RP10 (Principal Developer: PU)


1. Wireless communications and internet of things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is seen as another information and industrial wave after the invent of personal computers, the Internet, and mobile communication networks. The European Union endorsed an IoT Strategic Research Roadmap, named CERP-IoT, with the purpose of promoting research outcomes in the IoT area, especially the application of the sensor and wireless communications technologies in the IoT, such as family-domain smart eHealth, wearable computing, green building, intelligent transportation, etc.

The planned research activities will target the development of a generic IoT operational platform and corresponding middleware, along with novel telecommunications models and techniques for the effective provision of IoT services applicable in a variety of domains. A number of novel communications solutions and mobile applications will be developed to provide ‘best’ service experience to mobile users.

Another research direction will be the smart recommendation of (mobile) services to users/consumers in 5G communications networks. A distributed data management platform (DMP), built with the Hadoop, Storm, and Kafka technologies, will be elaborated to provide an efficient computing environment for real-time Big Data scheduling and message processing in a data center supplemented by a supercomputer. With this distributed architecture, the system will be able to turn mobile services’ activities of users into actionable analytic datasets and recommend the ‘best’ mobile services applicable to each particular user under the ‘always best connected and best served’ (ABC&S) communications paradigm. Novel software solutions and services, both on the user and cloud side, will be developed.

2. Integrated intelligent environment

An Integrate Intelligent Environment (IIE), known as Virtual Space (VS), provides integration of the virtual with the physical world and facilitates interaction between different software components – intelligent agents, services, micro-services, and bundles. VS is constructed as an IoT ecosystem based on web, hybrid and wireless networks. The distributed infrastructure consists of autonomous, context-aware intelligent components with reactive, proactive and social behavior and capable of self-learning (machine learning) which operate on sensory, analytical/operational, and cognitive levels. Currently, two applications of the VS are in the focus of our research activities: Virtual Educational Space supporting various forms of e-learning (blended learning, self-training, lifelong learning, game-based learning) and Bulgarian Cultural and Historical Heritage providing a smart digital repository in accordance with the standard CCO. The 3D digitalization Lab will be intensively used in this subtask. In next research, the VS could be adapted for domains such as smart cities, intelligent agriculture, intelligent environment, intelligent medicine. The new powerful Data Center will ensure the effective operation of the planned VS applications.

3. Data mining, predictive and numerical modeling in medicine and engineering

The modern society has more data than ever before at their disposal.  Data mining (DM) is an interdisciplinary field of computer science, combining methods of machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, and database systems. Through various techniques and tools, DM identify essential patterns of information in the data so that it can be used for decision support, prediction, forecasting and evaluation. Predictive and numerical modeling are further applied for data processing. The planned research aims to apply and develop the newest DM, predictive and computer-based modeling in hi-tech engineering such as laser technology (including further development of Bulgarian lasers: CuBr, UV and Strontium Bromide atom lasers and creation of a new Strontium atom laser, finding main applications in medicine, laser ablation in nanomedicine and precision materials processing); in processing of real empirical environmental data for air and water pollution, harmful to human health, in order to analyze, forecast, prepare independent expert reports to control and prevent the pollution levels; in solving multiparameter differential problems of Josephson junctions used in high precision measurement engineering equipment; in application of DM in pharmacy, food- and biotechnologies and more. Online services for consulting, expertise and DM processing of custom data could be provided to SMEs, research groups, ect. These activities require maintenance of large data warehouses and high-speed super computer of new generation.